Tips for photographing your work
Editor’s note: This is part of a series of instructions for submitting articles to THISisCarpentry. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ASK.
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As you can see from our articles, we like photos. Lots of photos. Here are a few tips for photographing your work:
- Make sure your photos are in focus. No matter how well you’ve composed a photograph, if it’s out of focus, we can’t use it. If you’re photographing a saw, make sure that the saw is in focus, not the tree in the background.
- Make sure to have adequate lighting, so your pics don’t come out too dark.
- Use a tripod. You can get a good one for around $50.00.
- When you take process photographs—of building a mantelpiece or bookcase, or framing a dormer, for just two examples—someone should be in every photograph doing something! If you work alone–or if you don’t want to slow down your crew—then that “someone” in your pictures will probably be you (make use of that tripod!).
- When you take process pictures, always think in terms of “steps.” The steps form the story line. For instance: Step One: draw careful pencil lines; Step Two: cut to the pencil lines; Step Three: drill pocket holes; Step Four: assemble the pieces.
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Be sure to read our other submission help guides:
Tips for writing your article
How to submit your article
Shooting Video
Adding photo references (refs) to your article
Sending images to TiC